Posts Tagged ‘Kris Jenner’

KUWTK New Season Promos: A Decade of Keeping it Kardashian

In early August, just before I left for India, NBC and E! Entertainment reached out to me to photograph artwork for the new season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Coincidentally, or perhaps serendipitously, it marked exactly 10 years to the week when I first met Kim Kardashian in 2007 to photograph her for a magazine cover. I don’t need to detail just how far Kim and her family have come in a decade, and I am both thrilled and fortunate to have been able to work with them continuously throughout the years.

The shoot took place at a studio in Woodland Hills, and marked the first time I’ve captured all six ladies since the 2012 Christmas Card. Kris, Kourtney, Khloé, Kendall and Kylie all looked stunning in black, while Kim, in signature form, shattered the status quo in her star-studded bodysuit. It’s always fun to work with friends, though it’s even more incredible to marvel at how much each of them has grown since our first shoots together.

Thank you to Creative Director Bret McMichael at E! for his direction and input, as well as Janelle Albino, Cameron Cohen and Erin Clarry at NBC. Very special thanks to Kris Jenner and her family, and of course to our incredible Slickforce team for their artistry and unparalleled support.

Credits for the Season 14 artwork below. And for you Keeping Up historians, scroll down to see some of my most memorable shoots with these superstar beauties.







All styling by SIMONE HAROUCHE

August 17, 2007 – My First Shoot with Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian’s 2011 Dual Calendar Shoot
The Making of a Superstar: Kendall Jenner, Part 1 of 2
The Making of a Superstar: Kendall Jenner, Part 2 of 2
An inside look at the world’s hottest family in Kardashian Konfidential
The kamera goes krazy for Kylie.
It’s beginning to look a lot like a Kardashian Khristmas
E! News reveals Kim Kardashian’s 3D shoot for World’s Most Beautiful
Kardashian Kollection Intimates for Sears
The Making of the 2012 Kardashian-Jenner Christmas Card
WMB 3D: Kendall & Kylie Jenner at Ultimate Graveyard
Khloe Kardashian’s Sexy Black Latex Shoot
Behind the Scenes: Kendall & Kylie for Arthur George

Celebrating a Landmark Year at Kris Jenner’s Christmas Eve Party

Kris Jenner always throws the best Christmas parties, and this year was no exception. Aside from the amazing food and flawless attire, the most enjoyable part for me is watching everyone kick back and have fun for a night.

The Kardashian/Jenner machine is a big one indeed, and their team works incredibly hard to insure smooth running. My thanks to everyone on the K/J team who helped make 2012 a record year for SlickforceStudio, including Noelle Keshishian, Liz Killimond, Jennifer Stith, Sydney Hitchcock, Sheiva Ghasemzadeh, super glam team Monica Rose, Mario Dedivanovic, Rob Scheppy, and Clyde Haygood, and of course the family itself—Kris, Kim, Khloé, Kourtney, Kendall, Kylie, Rob, Bruce, Lamar, and Scott.

The SlickforceStudio family is more vibrant than ever, and it is a daily thrill to be able to work amongst such a talented team. Joyce, Kevin, Christian, Scot, Maribel, Kate, Francesca, and Daniel—you are the best!

And last but not least, I want to thank YOU for your support throughout the years. Creating our brand of magic everyday is a dream come true for this team of artists. Happy New Year to all of you, and wishing you a joyous, healthy and prosperous 2013!


The Making of the 2012 Kardashian/Jenner Christmas Card

Since 2010, I’ve been helping the Kardashian family create their brand of Christmas magic with their annual holiday card. In 2010 and 2011, the family opted for a more dramatic theme, and so I did my best to create that with the lighting, blocking and pose direction. This year, Kim wanted a much happier vibe, something with lots of energy. She also wanted everyone in white.

As any photographer or cinematographer knows, capturing perfect skin tones with white wardrobe usually comes down to a compromise between skin underexposure and protecting white highlights from clipping. However, after years of experimentation, I finally accepted that I just don’t like the way underexposed skin looks, even with exposure levels corrected in Lightroom. When shooting any of my clients, skin glow is almost always my top goal, above even wardrobe.

The three-day mega-shoot spanned the country, beginning in Miami in October and ending in LA just two weeks ago. For my team, that meant tracking detailed setup parameters to insure family members not photographed in Miami could be seamlessly added to the final image.

Most of you who follow my work know that I rarely talk about my lighting setups. This week, however, UK journalist Jon Severs persuaded me to discuss the lighting of the Christmas card, and I went into a surprising amount of detail, more than I ever have before. You can read the interview here.

I’ve attached my actual lighting diagram below, please take a moment to appreciate the fine chicken scrawl. And enjoy these wonderful behind-the-scenes images taken by photographers Joyce Park, Scot Fortino and Kate Garfield for SlickforceStudio.

My thanks to Kris, Kim and the entire Kardashian/Jenner family for allowing me to capture the card & help create such a festive moment in their lives!

CREDITS: Makeup by Mario Dedivanovic and Rob Scheppy. Hair by Clyde Haygood and Scott Cunha. Photographed at Temple House in Miami and at SlickforceStudio in Los Angeles.

The 2012 Kardashian Khristmas Card Rings in the New Year in Style

Once again, the Kardashian/Jenner/Odom/Disick family generates record buzz with their annual Christmas card. This year, the card was photographed in Miami at the amazing Temple House. Kim wanted a bright and happy all-white theme for this year’s holiday card, in stark contrast to the dramatic images we shot in previous years. Lots more behind-the-scenes on the way.

Which is your favorite? (Go behind-the-scenes on 2010 and 2011 cards.)

Kardashian/Jenner Christmas Party 2011

Kris Jenner’s annual Christmas party is always a beautifully planned and memorable event, and this year I brought my mother and brother with me to enjoy the festivities. Everyone at the party is always so gracious, and they treated my mother like royalty. She was thrilled to meet some of her favorite celebrities, from Bruce Jenner to Alan Thicke to Billy Ray Cyrus. The most adorable memory was Kim Kardashian walking around in her Santa pajamas…definitely a side of her not everyone gets to see! Thanks to Kris and family for an amazing night!

Kardashian Khristmas 2011 in 3D!

The Kardashian Christmas card is always a fascinating piece of pop culture, and it is also our single most circulated image of the year. Kris Jenner reunited the super-team for 2011, and brilliant stylist Monica Rose began putting wardrobe ideas together immediately, ultimately opting for a black-and-white tuxedo theme. As with 2010, the shoot took place at the Jenner house in Hidden Hills.


This year, the Kardashian-Jenner-Odom-Disick clan embraced the 3D movement and chose to release the card in both 2D and 3D, with custom Kardashian Khristmas 3D glasses designed by SlickforceStudio. To see the image large, get our your 3D glasses (available free here) and click on the last thumbnail in the gallery above. Also check out these amazing behind the scenes by photographer Derek Eskridge!


Photography by Nick Saglimbeni
Styling by Monica Rose
Make-up by Mario Dedivanovic and Joyce Bonelli
Hair by Clyde Haygood, Rob Scheppy and Alex Roldan.

Special thanks to Raffael Dickreuter for additional 3D assistance!

Teaming up with Kim Kardashian & Kris Jenner for Skechers Shape-Ups


Earlier this year, I received a call from the Skechers ad department to photograph Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner for their new international Shape-Ups campaign. Having been a Skechers fan for many years, I was really excited about the shoot, and also for the chance to reunite with two of my favorite ladies and their incredible glam squad.


The shoot took place at 5th & Sunset Studios in West Los Angeles, a fantastic facility with multiple sound stages and a virtually unlimited grip & lighting selection—a dream come true for a lighting nerd like me. Monica Rose styled the wardrobe, Joyce Bonelli delivered flawless make-up, and Clyde Haygood brought amazing hair styling as always.


Kim and Kris hit yet another one out of the park with this shoot, taking great direction and bringing their own personalities to the campaign. My brilliant SlickforceStudio team made me proud with stellar support that day. Our intern, Terekah, complimented Kim on her shoes, and was pleasantly surprised a few days later when she arrived to the studio to find her very own pair of Shape-Ups—a gift from the lovely Miss Kardashian herself.


It’s been a lot of fun watching the reach of this campaign. So far, I’ve seen billboards in several cities, multi-story retail displays, and perhaps the most fun: the ad ran in TSA security bins in nearly every airport in the country. Now that’s getting your brand out there.


Production photos by Derek Eskridge & David Rivera

It’s beginning to look a lot like a Kardashian Khristmas


A few days before Thanksgiving, mogul/manager/matriarch Kris Jenner asked me to photograph the annual Kardashian/Jenner family portrait, which they’ve historically released just prior to Christmas. This was an exciting opportunity for me, primarily because it marked the first time I would have the entire family together in one room.


Having photographed nearly all of them individually throughout the last year, I knew each of their particular poses, facial expressions, and subtle nuances. But I wanted to do something different—less smiley and happy than I’ve done in the past—but something more gothic and stark—alluding to family portraits of Victorian era aristocracy, with little expression and the focus on mere presence.


I believe a family portrait should tell a story. In this case, I took a look back at the growth the Kardashian/Jenner family experienced in the last two years. Kris had only weeks before completed the remodeling of her home, which featured huge black-and-white marble tiles, high ceilings, and sprawling staircases. I blocked out the positions of the family members, paying special note to the couplings of Kourtney & Scott and Khloé & Lamar, as well as Kendall’s growing prominence in the media spotlight. I also felt that it was very important to capture this “turning point” moment in their family history, as it marked the first appearance of young Mason.


Hair, make-up, and wardrobe did a fabulous job as always, though as you can imagine it takes a while to get an entire family through the process. And as if having every Kardashian mini-mogul in the room wasn’t pressure enough, Rob had to leave to catch a flight, which gave me a pressure-inducing twelve minutes to capture the entire shot. I was thrilled with the final image, which given our enormous time contraints, proved once again that preparation is everything.


Photo by Nick Saglimbeni
Make-up by Joyce Bonelli
Hair by Rob Scheppy
Wardrobe Stylist Monica Rose
Behind-the-scenes photography by Terekah NaJuwan

The Making of a Superstar: Kendall Jenner, Part 1 of 2


It’s not everyday you get to work with someone you know is going to be big. I mean, it’s different if they’re already a star…but there’s a special energy that happens on a shoot when you know that one day people will be looking back at this shoot, to see where it all began.


Such luck smacked me across the face last week when Kris Jenner, mastermind and matriarch of the Kardashian clan, asked me to photograph her daughter, Kendall, for her Wilhelmina modeling book. She had been very happy with the shoots I’d given Kim, Khloé, and Kourtney, and she was hoping I could do the same with Kendall. The only catch, you see, is that she’s only 14-years old.


Kendall was a trooper right out of the gate. I asked her if she minded getting in the water, crawling on sharp rocks, etc., and she simply shook her head and said she’d do whatever it took to make art. Thanks to her sisters, I had Kendall’s trust. So, as I do with every model, I immediately got the hard stuff out of the way, because there’s never enough sunlight for a warmup period. I stuck Kendall on a rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and she held her poses with incredible professionalism—and her faces with intensity—even as waves smacked her in the back of the head.


The rest of the shoot went much the same way, and Kendall’s learning curve was incredibly steep. I was continually impressed with how quickly she took what she learned from one setup and applied it onto the next one. By the time a girl is 21, which is the average age I photograph, I expect them to have had at least a few good years of checking themselves out in the mirror and working their poses. But for a 14-year-old with almost no experience (save her celebrity genes), Kendall hit this one right out of the park for sure.


I didn’t expect the controversy that this shoot generated—it’s already been featured on E! News, People, In Touch, Extra, and Access Hollywood. Apparently some thought the shoot was too provocative for such a young model (sample video here). But to be fair, we should make a distinction between fashion modeling and glamour modeling. If you look at the early work of Adriana Lima, Brooke Shields, Miranda Kerr—the list goes on—their books were filled with sensational-yet-hardly-conservative images that launched them into supermodel status before age 16. In my opinion, whether the model wears a sweater or a swimsuit bears little relevance, as long as the shoot is tastefully done. I made a concerted effort to keep this shoot a very healthy PG13.


I have to give special love to stylist Monica Rose on this shoot, who not only brought incredible wardrobe as she’s always done with Kim, and who sat by the laptop making sure every frame was perfect, but who also was waiting in tow with a robe and towel, ready to warm up Kendall each time she ran back shivering onto the beach. You’re the best! xo


Wardrobe Styling: Monica Rose
Make-up: Joyce Bonelli
Hair: Rob Scheppy
Production Stills: Derek Eskridge & Christian Arias

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