Posts Tagged ‘Skid Row Princess’

Flashback: July 29, 2007 – Skid Row Princess

Skid Row Princess - Sitting Pretty

Where is there a f*cking Pinkberry around here?

As I move towards more artistic endeavors in 2010, I find myself referencing my past work. This was one of my favorite spreads I’ve shot, and it was one of my first fashion editorials, this time for the short-lived Coexistence magazine. We cast model Jessica Ricardi, and she was fantastic.

We shot this in the alley behind my downtown apartment…and although it smelled like piss, this was my second collaboration with the immensely talented wardrobe stylist Diana Chan, whom I’ve continued to work with religiously ever since.  The shot entitled “Superstar!!!” (far right) is probably the photo I get more comments than anything else.  Only the future will tell for sure, but I believe it is the shot that marked the beginning of the hyper-saturated-accent-color-comic-book style I would be known for (unless the SHOW covers have pigeon-holed me for life LOL).

Directing this shoot was a lot of fun. Completely different than the glam mags I was used to shooting at the time.

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